Fleet Management

What's involved with running a fleet.

Managing a fleet isn’t your main role

Do you have the job of managing your company vehicles and drivers, unsure of what's required or overwhelmed with the task in hand.

Let MPH help and become your virtual Fleet Manager. 

We work with you to streamline your processes and take the strain out of running your fleet.

How are you managing your fleet

Managing a vehicle fleet can be either doing nothing or hectic! Keeping on top of everyday tasks can quite quickly take a back seat when other areas of the business are busy. 

Fleets often come second place.

  • Do you use spreadsheets to manage vehicles. 
  • Do you know when MOT, Service or RFL dates are due. Have you missed any?
  • Do you carry out vehicle checks and do you keep a record of them. 
  • Do you check employee Driving Licences 
  • Do you carry out medical checks

Having a dedicated fleet company to take the day to day tasks away can not only help save time, keep on top of the day to day task but actually save you money. 

Grey Fleet

Do you have employees that drive on company business in their own vehicles? 

Did you know that you need to provide the same level of responsibility to them as a company car driver and the directors of the company are as liable if the worse were to happen.

There's no defence in saying it's their car and their responsibility. 

What you need to consider when running a fleet of vehicles


Do you check your tyres on a regular basis for damage. Are they above the legal limit of 1.6mm?

Service and repairs

Do you monitor your servicing and repair spend and are you keeping upto date with your service requirements?


Do all your vehicles have a valid MOT and do you know when they are next due?

Grey Fleet

Do you monitor and keep records of drivers that drive on company business in their own cars? 


Do you keep on top of the current legislation and have procedures in place?


Do you keep all your information in one place where it's easy to access? Are you staying on top of daily tasks and dealing with issues as they arise?

Driver policy

Do you have a driver and vehicle policy in place and do you communicate this to your drivers?

Vehicle Checks

Do your drivers carry out regular vehicle checks and are they recorded. Do these checks highlight potential problems and get reported to the right person? 

Driving Licence

Do you check employee Driving licences on a regular basis. Do you carry out medical checks and eyesight checks to make sure your employees are fit to drive?


Do you know which breakdown company you are with and what you need to do in the event of a breakdown?


Do you know what to do in the event of an accident and and how to handle the claims procedure?


Do you have policies in place to look after your staff. Do you know which are high risk drivers?

Are all your vehicle details up to date?


It's estimated that 3.8 million motorists have driven without a valid MOT in the past year.

Do you know that all your vehicles have a valid MOT? The first MOT is due after 3 years and then every year thereafter. 

MID database

Are your vehicle's registered on the MID insurance database?

If you run a fleet of vehicles either you, your fleet company or insurance broker will need to register your vehicles and keep it updated.

Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)

Do all your vehicles have Tax on them?

All vehicles even if £0 need to be registered.  If you have a lease car the lease company pay for them but its still worth checking.

Fleet Software

MPH is a reseller of FleetCheck, an award-winning fleet management software. FleetCheck offers a straightforward traffic light system that clearly indicates whether a vehicle requires an MOT, insurance, or VED.

It seamlessly integrates with various sites through APIs, ensuring up-to-date information is always at your fingertips.

Call 01242 500 007 for a Free demo or to find out more information about Fleet Software or Fleet Management.


Keeping your drivers safe on the road and making sure they know the law

Dangerous condition

Keeping your vehicles in a road worthy condition is essential.

If the vehicle is deemed dangerous then you can face fines of up to £2500, a ban and 3 penalty points.


It's predicted that 57% of tyres removed from vehicles have less than the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread on them.

That's 3 points and up to £2000 fine for each tyre.

Seat Belts

You must wear a seat belt if one is fitted, failure to do so can result in a £500 fine.

This includes people in the back of the car. The driver is responsible for making sure children are either in the correct seat and or wearing their belt. 


The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and 3 penalty points on your licence. Accumulating 12 or more penalty points within a 3-year period could result in disqualification from driving.

Mobile Phones

Using a mobile phone while driving is illegal, even if it’s secured in a cradle. Offenders can receive 3 penalty points on their licence and face a fine of up to £1,000

Drink and Drug Driving

You will receive a mandatory driving ban for a minimum of 1 year which stays on your licence for 11 years. 

Driver Fatigue

One in five people suffer from a sleep problem that impairs their driving ability, affecting coordination, judgment, memory, and extending reaction times.

Parking fines

Parking fines vary based on the location and parking company, they often ranging from £50 to £100. Costs can increase if the fine isn't paid promptly. 

Let MPH take the strain

MPH are a family run business and have been looking after customer fleet vehicles for over 20 years.

We have robust systems in place and keep all your vehicle details on a dedicated fleet management software package with full visibility to you and your staff.  In fact with our current customers we feel part of their business and work alongside them.

MPH will take on all aspects of your fleet management from the day to day paperwork, booking services, MOT's and repairs to dealing with breakdowns and accidents. 

With MPH managing your fleet, it allows you to know your vehicles are being looked after, You have one point of contact. We don't have call centres so you will always be speaking to the right person dealing with your vehicles.

MPH can make running your fleet stress free, cost effective and give you time back to run your business. 

Our services


MPH have a network of dealers that supply vehicles at Fleet rates. We are also part of a larger buying group so can obtain preferential discounts. 
We also supply specialist vehicles that include welfare, tippers and freezer vans.


MPH work with the leading finance leasing companies to find you the best rates. 

We can discuss the best options for you, be it Contract Hire, Finance Lease, Hire Purchase, Lease Purchase and give you the benefits of each.

Lenders include Lex Autolease, Nuvana, Alphabet, Santander, ALD, BNP, Close and Paragon to name but a few.

Fleet Management 

MPH provide a full fleet management service dealing with all aspects of your vehicles from dealing with fines, checking driving licences, booking a service, MOT or repair to dealing with breakdowns and accidents.

Using the FleetCheck award winning software all your details are stored in a safe location on the cloud allowing you to access them at anytime. 

MPH constantly monitor when MOT, service or Road Fund Licence renewals are due and can book them in when required. We carry out driving licence and medical checks and along with the FleetCheck app you will know that your vehicles are road legal and any problems swiftly sorted out by MPH.

Tracking, camera and security systems

MPH work with leading suppliers to provide you with tracking, camera and security systems to keep your vehicles safe and secure on the road as well as key information that can be used for scheduling work, driver behaviour, idling reports and many other key information that may be required to streamline your business.


MPH can provide internal and external racking and signwriting so when your vehicle arrives it's ready to go.


Depending on how the vehicle is purchased we can help with the sale or return of the vehicle back to leasing companies. 

MPH have you covered with all your fleet requirements. 

Why not give us a call on 01242 500 007 or complete our Contact Form  for a Free Demo and see how you can save time, stress and money.